Charles Greenwood

- Senior Scientist, Juniper Gardens Children's Project
- Professor, Department of Applied Behavioral Sciences
Contact Info
444 Minnesota Ave
Kansas City, KS 66101-2942
Biography —
Dr. Greenwood is Senior Scientist Emeritus in the Institute for Life Span Studies at the University of Kansas. He was formerly Director of the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project (1990-2017) and Professor, Department of Behavioral Science.
Dr. Charles Greenwood’s research interests are focused on developing evidence-based interventions and measurement tools for monitoring progress for providers and parents. Some legacy contributions of Dr. Greenwood have included: ClassWide Peer Tutor, Individual Growth and Development Indicators (IGDI) for and Infants and Toddlers, Bridging the Word Gap, and Community-based Research.
He is co-Director of the Bridging the Word Gap Research Network and leads the KC Brain Builders Community Coalition.
He received KU’s highest award for research (the Irvin Youngberg Research Achievement Award in Applied Science) and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. Under his leadership, the Juniper Garden Children’s Project was awarded the Research Award of the Council for Exceptional Children for its contribution to evidence-based practice, measurement, and for the training of researchers.
Education —
Research —
Dr. Greenwood is interested in understanding how changing the environments of children and youth in urban, high-risk communities leads to improvements in social wellbeing and academic achievement which is the mission of our Juniper Gardens Children's Project (JGCP). Issues under investigation range across children with and without disabilities and their families who are culturally and linguistically diverse. His work is focused on issues related to the use of research to: (a) inform caregiving and educational practice and professional development in local preschools and schools, (b) develop new approaches to measuring early intervention results linked to social valid outcomes, and (b) scaling-up effective intervention practices.
- Community-engaged research
- Impacts of poverty and disability on development
- Behavioral and educational measurement
- Behavioral and academic interventions
- Statistical Methods
- Technology applications
- Research Training and Preparation
Professional Service
1972-1977 Principal Investigator, Center at Oregon for Research in the Behavioral Education of the Handicapped, University of Oregon, Eugene. 1977-78 Research Affiliate, Oregon Research Institute, Eugene. 1978-89 Research Director, Juniper Gardens Children's Project, University of Kansas. 1989-present Full Professor (1989-present), Department of Applied Behavioral Science, and Department of Special Education, University of Kansas 1989-present Senior Scientist, Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies, University of KS 1991-present Director, Juniper Gardens Children's Project, Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies, University of Kansas 1991-2000 Risk, Intervention, and Prevention Theme Leader, Kansas University Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Center 2001-present CoDirector, Biobehavioral Measurement Core, Kansas University Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Center 2004-present Treasurer, Children’s Campus of Kansas City, Inc. 1992 Recipient of the Research Award, Council for Educational Diagnostic Services, Council for Exceptional Children 1993 Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 25 1996 Recipient of the Annual Research Award, Council for Exceptional Children, Juniper Gardens Children's Project, Charles R. Greenwood, Director, 1999 Publication Award Recipient, Teacher Education and Special Education, Volumes 20 and 24 2001 Recipient of the Fred S. Keller Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Education, Division 25, American Psychological Association 1997-2007 Statistical Advisor, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 2002-present Member, OSEP, USDE Standing Proposal Review Panel 2005-present Advisory Board, School Psychology Review 2005-present Chair, IES/Special Education Research Center, Combined Special Education Proposal Review Panel. 2006 Nominee, Higuchi Research Achievement Award, University of Kansas. 2007-present Member, NCSER, IES, USDE Early Childhood Standing Review Panel