Yagmur Seven

- Assistant Research Professor, Juniper Gardens Children's Project
Contact Info
444 Minnesota Ave
Kansas City, KS 66101-2942
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Biography —
Yagmur Seven is a post-doctoral researcher at Juniper Gardens Children’s Project (JGCP). Dr. Seven leads a research program on understanding and promoting the role of classroom and family factors in children’s literacy and language development. She is interested in exploring caregiver-child communication, decontextualized language development, and fathers’ contributions to early language and literacy development. Her research particularly focuses on providing caregiver-child dyads with intervention strategies to maximize child language and literacy learning outcomes in low-income families.
Dr. Seven earned her Masters’ degree in Early Childhood Education from Bogazici University and her Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of South Florida. Her dissertation investigated book-sharing as a context for fathers and mothers to enhance the language development of their preschool children. Prior to her Ph.D. studies, Dr. Seven worked with children at risk for developmental and language delays as a preschool teacher, a researcher, and an early interventionist.
For the past seven years, Dr. Seven worked in federally, non-profit, and donor-funded research projects, and her work is published in scientific journals including Early Childhood Education Quarterly, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, and Language, Speech and Hearing Services in School.
As a current Emerging Scholar in the Bridging the Word Gap National Research Network and a post-doctoral researcher at JGCP, Dr. Seven aims to promote evidence-based intervention strategies to empower parents to provide their preschool children with language and literacy learning opportunities. Keep up with Dr. Seven at Yagmur Seven's website.