Postdoctoral Research Training in Special Education and Early Intervention

Our framework draws upon adult learning principles. In addition, our program will be centralized on the learners’ interests, in which the learner identifies professional goals and objectives which will form the basis of the postdoctoral experience. Opportunity for collaboration with multiple mentors, all with varying expertise and successful track records for procuring funds and disseminating research, will ensure the trainees are provided with choices to develop a program that aligns with their goals. Frequent evaluations will be completed to allow for reflection and continued planning (Gregson & Sturko, 2007; Knowles et al., 2005; Lawler & King, 2000). As designed, the postdoctoral program will foster independence and lay the foundation for a successful research career.
We have identified a total of eight competencies, organized within three domains (ASD and/or EBD content knowledge, Research Skills and Knowledge, and Professional Skills), to foster the research and career development of the recruited JGCP postdoctoral scholars. Successful completion of the postdoctoral training program by fellows will be determined by the completion and mastery of the following competencies: 1) Synthesis of Research; 2) Applied intervention research in ASD and/or EBD; 3) Standards for Excellence in Education Research (SEER); 4) Rigorous Experimental Single-case and Randomized Control Designs; 5) Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Analysis; 6) Grant and Leadership Development; 7) Dissemination; 8) Career Development.